How YOU can help US?
* In Your Community
* Your Family
* Your Friends
* Challenges
* At Work
* In School
* Become a Volunteer
* Helpful Downloads
How can fundraising help HOMELink?
Without the help of others HOMELink cannot continue to provide our vitally needed services. The added benefits are it is a fantastic way to have fun whilst helping others. There are so many different ways you can help whether it’s a fun day out for the family, an evening just for the adults or one for all your community. Please find below all the information you will need to get your event up and running and raise those much needed funds.
Snaps, pics, photos – please please please bring a camera to your chosen event. We love being able to show the world what a fantastic bunch you HOMELink Honeybees are.
And remember, no matter how big or small your contribution is, every single bit helps. (Top)
How YOU can help US!
In Your Community
The people we help are your relatives, friends and neighbours. They rely on us to enable them to remain living in their own homes. And one day that could be the situation you find yourself in, you want to live at home but need the help of others to do so. That is why community based events are not just helping others, these events are helping YOU.
There are a wide range of events you can organise from church gate collections, quizzes, sports events etc. The choice is vast. Please see link for some ideas on what type of event you can get involved in. Fundraising A-Z (Top)
Your Family
Planning a family day out? Why not incorporate a fundraising plan whilst having fun at the same time whether it’s a trip to the zoo or an orienteering day in the local park/forest. Why not get your kids to gather all their old toys, books, video games etc and bring to a local market?
In addition, explaining to your children why you are doing this teaches them social morals which can only enhance there future actions and plans. Fundraising A-Z (Top)
Your Friends
Get together with your friends and have a coffee morning. We all lead busy lives but a couple of hours every now and then to catch up with friends can help the body, mind and soul. Get everyone to make something (cake/pies etc) and charge a small cover fee. Alternatively, for the girls, have a dips & chips slumber party and for the boys, a PPP - pizza poker party (much more fun than a coffee morning). Fundraising A-Z (Top)
From participating in the Women’s Mini Marathon to scaling Everest, there is a challenge to suit everyone. How many times have you said to yourself ‘I’d love to……...’. Well now is as good a time as any, GO FOR IT! Think about what you want to achieve and then put a plan in place. We here in HOMELink will help you achieve your goal and support you from start to finish - Contact Us (Top)
At Work
You may be working full time which limits your time in organising events as described above. Why not get your co-workers to help with some fundraising. Monthly ‘denim days’, office days out, a buffet lunch where everyone brings a dish can all raise some cash without affecting your time or job requirements. Have a chat with your boss about what you can do to help. And remember, MAKE IT FUN!
We are more than happy to attend a cheque presentation within your office where you can submit the details to your local paper. Fundraising A-Z (Top)
In School
Kids are always willing to help and do something new. Why not get your local school/college to organise a fund raising event where the pupils choose what way they want to do it. If not, there are always the traditional ‘bag packs’, read-a-thons, game & book swap shops etc. Fundraising A-Z (Top)
Become a Volunteer
You may find that you need more help with your planned event than you can cope with alone. If you find yourself in this position, please contact us where we will endeavour to find you a team from our volunteer pool.
Or maybe you can’t organise an event of your own but want to help in some way. We are always looking for volunteers to assist the Fundraising Team, and to take part in events and appeals. Whatever time you can spare, we would love to hear from you. Your efforts truly can make a difference - Contact Us