HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

For more information on what we do please

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Make Your Voice Heard Ahead of Budget Day

Date Posted: 24-11-2010

It is vital that our politicians understand the needs of older people as they prepare this year’s Budget.

Age Action says if you are concerned about cuts to pensions, health services or supports for carers then you have to let your local TDs and Senators know. Everyone who is concerned about older people’s issues must contact their local Oireachtas members to make their views known.

If you don’t, you can’t complain on Budget day.

Act now. Make your needs known. Speak up for older people.

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