HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

For more information on what we do please

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 2 – the American Civil War

The American Civil War (1861-1865) was a defining moment in history between the Southern Slave States (Confederates) and the Northern Free States (Union) with the Confederates wanting to keep slavery and the Union wanting to abolish it. We all know the outcome on that one. The State of the Union speeches during this time are a fascinating read. For a more detailed look at this time in American history, this video is a great buy --> The Civil War - A Film by Ken Burns
Obviously, the war was a huge part of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches during this time but there was also a lot going on aside from the war. During this time, there was a healthy harvest each year, finances were very healthy which is surprising considering the cost of war. The Department of Agriculture was created and relations with China and Europe were good but sometimes strained with Japan (a sign of things to come maybe?). The plan for a pacific railroad was brought to the table and work commenced, again, surprising considering the amount of men caught up in the war. Similarly, the pacific and atlantic telegraph lines were planned and established.

What boosted the finances during this time was the discovery of gold and silver mines along the pacific railway and the issuing of notes in order to pay the armed forces. It still wasn’t enough though as the public debt stood at $1billion!!! (link to info on pacific railroad)

However, the plight of the Indians was still a problem and an attack by the Sioux resulted in 800 deaths. Likewise, there were problems on the Canadian border.
It seems Mr. Lincoln really had his hands full during these years but handled it very well considering. But within days of the war ending with his Union the victors, he was assassinated.

Friday, January 28, 2011

State of the Union

This week Barack Obama delivered his State of The Union address. Does anyone know where the term ‘State of the Union’ came from? How long it has been an annual event in the US of A? Well read on one and all, this is the subject of the week.


The first State of the Union address was given by George Washington in 1790. The actual term ‘State of the Union’ came about from a term in the U.S. Constitution ‘He (President) shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient’.

It was originally an address by the President to Congress but has since become an address to the people. Likewise it was originally a written report but over the years it has developed into an annual prime time televised event.

I could not find any State of the Union summaries so I guess that’s my next job, to read addresses made during key periods in American history….it’s gonna be a long day and night. Those Presidents sure know how to talk!!!

Check back tomorrow, the time frame is the American Civil War (1861-1865) and what Abe had to say in those years.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 4 - get involved!!!

I mentioned previously this week about my very active Granny. She may no longer with us but there are many people out there doing similar work / acts of kindness as she did.

If you know of someone who could benefit from some inter-action please contact one of the groups below. Or maybe you want to give something back by volunteering some time to help one of these groups, it will be very much appreciated.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 3 - The Elderly and our Community

So what else can the older generation give to society. Probably the first and foremost is knowledge. Remember, they have been here longer than the youth, they not have ‘been there, done that, got the t-shirt’, but are probably on their 10th t-shirt!!! . Without the experience of our elders, our society and institutions end up constantly reinventing the wheel, so to speak. Like a tree needs its roots for growth and nourishment, a society needs roots to keep it grounded in its traditional values and history. We need the youth to think of new ideas, the middle aged to make things happen and the elderly to keep us from running so fast we fall over .
Another area that Grandparents are of huge benefit is when the pitter patter of little feet enter our lives. As they have more time than the working Mums and Dads, babysitting is something they provide willingly and happily. They enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, the grandchildren enjoy being spoiled by their grandparents and Mum and Dad are a lot less stressed. Who else will mind your precious as well and with as much love as you?
Unfortunately, modern society seems to encourage segregation of older people from society, preferring nursing or retirement homes. But families who have active, healthy grandparents have the opportunity to develop strong relationships between the kids and their elderly relatives that can greatly enrich the lives of both generations.
Older adults have countless ways to use their life experience to enrich their communities. They may retire from work and slow down as they age, but this doesn’t mean they are irrelevant or useless. All communities have a lot to gain from the engagement of their elderly citizens.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 2 - The Elderly and our Community

Contrary to popular belief, old age does not necessarily mean sitting at home in front of the fire all day and night. We tend to forget that the elderly were once young and age has not dimished their zest for life, sense of humour and general devilment!!

My Granny was definitely NOT the type to sit at home drinking tea, right up to her 80’s she was on the go non-stop. She was Chairman of a very active Old Folks Association which met in the local hall 3-4 times a week for a chat and a game of cards (she was a card shark!!) and organised many day trips and longer trips abroad. She was also the local Post Mistress and just relished hearing all the gossip on pension day. Not stopping at that, she then went on to run for local Mayor and yep, won the election and for many many years was a Peace Commissioner. This woman was LOVED by her local community.

She was also the local free taxi for all her buddies. She was an independent lady who was one of the first to learn to drive and get a car. She just loved bringing people here, there and everywhere even if she never left 2nd gear. You could hear her Ford Escort roaring up and down the street regularly with most of the community willing and wishing her to change gear but no, that never happened. It wasn’t age that finally put paid to her motoring days, it was the development of dual carriageways and motorways which resulted in a trip up the Stillorgan dual carriageway the WRONG way at the age of 90!!! So she gracefully hung up her car keys acknowledging that progress was more important….Good on ya Granny, miss you lots.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wow, week 3 of the 2011 blog already........

So what shall we talk about this week?? As http://www.homelinkbray.ie/ is a service for the elderly, I thought why not talk about the elderly in our community so this week’s blog is all about your community and how the elderly contribute and enhance life for us all and it’s dedicated to my wonderful Granny, who was always busy so there will little snippets of all her shenanigans, most of which will make you smile!!! If you have any stories, words of wisdom, grievances, advice etc. etc. please feel free to post to this blogspot.

Why not have a read of this little gem?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Self help books....help or hindrance???

I heard an interesting discussion on the radio this morning. The topic was self help books and do they really work. 'The Secret', a best seller, came up in conversation. I personally have not read it as I wasn't a big fan of the notion that anything bad that has happened in my life is my fault but I do know of other people who swear by it. Have you read it? If so, what are your opinions? A masterpiece or a pile of waffle??

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interesting article..........

Sorry guys, blogger being a bold boy today and won't let me put a direct link on this post so have to go with this -->>


Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 6 - Marathon!!!!

So you’ve reached day 18 of no-smoking, healthier eating and getting more exercise. Sounds like you are an ideal candidate for a marathon in 2011. Think of the sense of achievement you will get crossing that finishing line. Don’t be thinking of getting fastest times, being on the winners podium etc. Set your own goal, get planning, follow through on your plan and achieving YOUR goal, YOUR very own podium.

We here in Homelink can help you get over that finishing line. By getting sponsorship for a charity, you get the added benefit that all your hard work and determination not only helped your own life but the lives of others. And we want to hear from you, your plans, your weekly goals, your training schedules, if you slipped a bit one week, how many friends you have roped in.

Drop us a mail homelink.fr@gmail.com and we would be delighted to send you out a sponsorship pack.

‘Help your heart, help all hearts’

Day 3 - Make Fitness Fun!!!

Make fitness fun – yesterday we looked at getting fit with a hula hoop. That might not be your thing so how about swaying in the moonlight, swinging in the sunshine or stomp stomp stomp!!!

Ballroom dancing– thanks to the success of Strictly Come Dancing, ballroom dancing is not just for the experts. Learning to ballroom dance ticks off lots of boxes – fitness, meeting new people, learning a new skill and posture.

If that is not your thing, then there are also hip hop dance classes, ballet for adults, line dancing (yee haw) and of course Irish Dancing (my favourite).

So go on, whether it’s a bit of fiddly de di, cha cha cha or clicking your heels, get your dancing shoes on!!!

Day 4 - Get DANCING!!!

Can't get out to dance classes but love the idea of learning how to dance. Then click on the link, get your copy and get dancing!!!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ballroom Dancing, DVD Edition (Complete Idiot's Guide to)

Get Fit in 2011

This week’s blog is all about following up on that New Year’s resolution to get fitter in 2011. It doesn’t matter whether your aim is to run the London or New York marathon or just partake in some light yoga. As the saying goes ‘every little helps’.

So it’s off to do some research into getting fit the FUN way. Not everyone likes running, or even walking for that matter (me included). Likewise re swimming or anything to do with water. But I shall find alternative ways to get active this year, ways to suit all shapes, sizes, ages etc.

Check back tomorrow for an update!!!

Day 5 - Fitness and Health

Yes, I know, you all know that being fit is good for you. But do you know exactly WHY it is good for you? Well keep reading…………

1. Regular activity has a number of proven, positive health effects, especially on heart health. Vigorous exercise strengthens the heart as a pump, making it a larger, more efficient muscle. Even moderate activity can boost HDL ('good') cholesterol, aid the circulatory system, and lower blood pressure and blood fats. All these effects translate into reduced risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

2. Exercise can also offer other benefits, including strengthened muscles, increased flexibility, and stronger bones, which can help ward off the bone-thinning condition called osteoporosis.

3. Regular activity also promises mental-health benefits, like relieving stress and anxiety. It can help you sleep better and renew your energy. If exercise could be bottled, it would be a best-selling potion at the local pharmacy.

If exercise could be bottled, it would be a best-selling potion at the local pharmacy.

Surveys confirm the well-known fact that most people aren't active enough and boy, do we pay for it. 12% of all deaths are due to a lack of regular exercise. So look around you, 1 out of the 10 people you see right now will die from lack of exercise – SCARY!!

So what’s stopping you?

The reasons for inactivity aren't hard to figure out. Most of us have jobs where we sit most of the time, so chances are limited to be physically active at work. We also rely heavily on modern, labor-saving devices - cars, appliances, and power tools - to spare us manual effort.

But that’s not the main reason why people avoid physical exercise. Have a look at all those TV ads featuring some young, gorgeous celebrity jumping around with some other young gorgeous specimens with any extra inches airbrushed away. You know that is not within your grasp or capabilities so you ignore it and grab another biscuit.

Well, stop! Going for a walk with a friend is just as good and probably more fun. Gardening is a fantastic all over body workout and look at the added benefits, a pretty garden to sit in and enjoy the sunshine knowing you have earned a break. And as we mentioned yesterday, ballroom dancing is for all ages and no sweat or jumping around needed (until you get to the cha-cha-cha!).

So go for it, get up off your ass and make a difference to YOUR life. Care for YOUR heart, don’t break it.

Day 2 - whoop wHoop.......get fit!!!

So you don't like jogging, find it too cold to walk, swimming is just too wet, aerobics is just too much like hard work. Well then grab a hula hoop, throw on some music and swing those hips. Why not get some friends around and have a hula hoop party (not the munchie kind of hula hoops!!)....guaranteed laughter, fun and fitness :-)

Gaiam Marisa Tomei HoopBody Hoop and DVD Kit

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another product that may be of interest :)

Imak Arthritis Gloves Medium (Pack of 2)

Arthritis & Weather - Fact or Fiction

It’s winter and for some that means cosy nights in with the fire blazing and lovely walks in fresh winter air. But for others, winter brings on pain due to the weather affecting their arthritis. This made me curious so I decided to do some research on why the weather affects arthritis sufferers. What I discovered was very interesting.

The first note of interest is this: there is NO clinical proof that the weather affects arthritis sufferers. Numerous studies have been done and there was no conclusive evidence that a rainy day will cause pain for all arthritis sufferers. Some feel the affect on a damp day, others don’t but feel the affect just after or before a storm. And the same percentage suffer arthritis in Florida as in Cork!

What was proven is that changes in the weather does cause problems to sufferers but maybe not in the way we thought. Rather than the ‘damp’ getting into your bones, it is a change of atmospheric pressure that causes the pain. Plus, during the colder weather, we tend to do less exercise. Less exercise means less strength in your muscles. Less muscular strength equals more stress and strain on your joints.

I could go on and on and on but the most interesting article I found was http://www.johnshopkinshealthalerts.com/reports/arthritis/44-1.html.

Reading Material :)

I came across this book that may be of interest to arthritis sufferers.

Conquering Arthritis: What Doctors Don't Tell You Because They Don't Know


What is Arthritis?

This week the blog is about arthritis, a condition that affects 1 in every 6 in Ireland and millions worldwide. We have all heard the term and know that is causes sufferers pain and disability. But what exactly is it? What causes it? How is it treated?

Arthritis is a joint disorder with inflammation. There are over 100 different types but the most common form is osteoarthritis brought on as a result of trauma to the joint, infection to the joint or age. It begins in the cartilage and eventually leads to the two bones in the joint eroding into each other.

What are the symptoms?

The main complaint by sufferers is joint pain, swelling and stiffness. This can extend to:
• and a feeling of tiredness
• Inability to use the hand or walk
• Fever
• Weight Loss
• Poor sleep
• Muscle aches and pains
• Tenderness
• Difficulty moving the joint

Can I prevent it?

In short, no. But you can certainly reduce the risks by being physically active, losing weight (if overweight) and eating healthier. All individuals who have pain in the joints should seek early diagnosis because the earlier the treatment is started, the better is the prognosis. The stronger your muscles the less strain you put on your joints so maintaining a certain level of fitness before the onset of arthritis and continuing after diagnosis is a major help.

Is there a cure?

No, unfortunately there is no cure for arthritis. Depending on the type of arthritis, treatment varies. There are medications available that reduce inflammation which reduces pain. In addition, physical therapy, occupational therapy, lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) and in some cases joint replacement surgery are the only available options.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I came across this the other day. With both a mother and a sister who suffer from arthritis, I can see how arthritis affects their daily lives, particularly at this time of year. My mum lives alone and loves jewellery so I am hoping she will like this little pressie :)

Bracelet Buddy