HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

For more information on what we do please

Friday, February 25, 2011

Election Day!

It's finally here, the day of reckoning, the day to get your voices heard, the day to make a change. For most of us getting to our local polling station is no problem but spare a thought for your elderly neighbours. They might not have transport, may not be able to walk the distance etc. If you know of someone who might be in this situation please knock on their door and see if they need a hand.

On that note, what do you do if you find yourself on a pre-booked trip out of the country on polling day - no vote. In  hospital - no vote. No way of getting to polling station - no vote.

We can chat via video links to friends and family on the other side of the world but we still have to vote using the same system for god knows how long. Electronic voting? Hmmm, best not to bring up that touchy subject......

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