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Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine’s Day……how, why, when, where, what??

So, every year on February 14th, cards, chocolates and flowers are purchased in abundance and bequeathed to the one you love or hope to love. But where did this day, the scourge of all singletons, originate?

Firstly, the correct term is Saint Valentines Day which would have you believe it is the feast day of Saint Valentine. Hmmmm, maybe except there are 3 Saint Valentines!!! Two of them celebrate their feast days on Feb 14 and one of them is buried right here in my hometown in Dublin but is he the correct one? Who knows as not enough is known about any of the Saint Valentines to connect them with love. The plot thickens.

Apparently, one of these Saint Valentines was executed for refusing to give up his Christianity. On the eve of his death he healed the blind daughter of his guard. This was then embellished to not just healing her but they were in love and he left her a note signed ‘Your Valentine’. Is this where it all started?

Jump to the 14th century and Valentines Day is as we now know it with poets, kings and even courts embracing the day we dedicate to all things lurve.

What happened in between? Who knows but if you get nice choccies and flowers this year, thank ALL the Saint Valentines.
And if you are a hopless romantic, why not rest your weary head on these little gems. You'll be guaranteed sweet dreams....

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