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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yes, I know it's a bit early to talk about this but Pancake Tuesday or the more correct term Shrove Tuesday is another day noted annually in February. So where did the tradition of eating pancakes originate??

Shrove Tuesday is always the day before the start of Lent. And Lent as we all know is when you give up something nice or indulgent, ie. chocolate, alcohol, sugar etc. This is a Christian tradition based on the fasting of Jesus Christ in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.

So why pancakes on the Tuesday before? Well way back when, people gave up a whole lot more than we do today so in order to use up all the supplies before the fasting period, milk, flour and eggs had to be used or thrown out. What are the ingredients for pancakes? Yep, milk, flour and eggs. Hence Pancake Tuesday!!!

And for that special someone, why not make some pancakes with a difference.....
But this year there is a catch! Whilst Shrove Tuesday is mostly in February, this year it is in March (8th) so you have another few weeks to go before getting out the sugar and lemon.

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