HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

For more information on what we do please

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Is it too early to be thinking about 2011?

I know, I know, Christmas hasn't even been and already there is a blog about 2011. But amidst all the tinsel, wrapping paper and holly we here in the Homelink fundraising department need to be looking ahead and putting our plans in place to make 2011 a whopper!!

Has anyone got any funky, cool ideas for a fundraising event that would be fun for all ages to participate in? Get your thinking caps on folks. To make it worth your while, there may even be a little surprise for the best idea. Everyone loves surprises, right???

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