HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

For more information on what we do please

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So once again the country is at a standstill thanks to that fluffy white stuff. Everyone has so much to do before the big day on Saturday and I sense some panic is setting in. I got a call yesterday about brussel sprouts, yes, brussel sprouts. There were none in the local supermarket and no sign of them anywhere else. Christmas is not Christmas without brussel sprouts. So I have been given the mission of finding brussel sprouts before Saturday.....

In the meantime, I think some nice pictures (not of brussel sprouts!) would cheer everyone up so if you have any nice snow pictures feel free to post them on this blog :)

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