HOMELink is a confidential, comprehensive and friendly FREE telephone support service for older people living alone.

· In addition, we provide a FREE basic maintenance & small repairs service for security, house and garden.

· And we don’t stop there. We also organise social events such as coffee mornings, parties and trips.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 3 - Make Fitness Fun!!!

Make fitness fun – yesterday we looked at getting fit with a hula hoop. That might not be your thing so how about swaying in the moonlight, swinging in the sunshine or stomp stomp stomp!!!

Ballroom dancing– thanks to the success of Strictly Come Dancing, ballroom dancing is not just for the experts. Learning to ballroom dance ticks off lots of boxes – fitness, meeting new people, learning a new skill and posture.

If that is not your thing, then there are also hip hop dance classes, ballet for adults, line dancing (yee haw) and of course Irish Dancing (my favourite).

So go on, whether it’s a bit of fiddly de di, cha cha cha or clicking your heels, get your dancing shoes on!!!

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